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Application guide

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Application guide Empty Application guide

Post  Leffix Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:29 pm

Please go ahead and copy the following text, and make a new topic for your application, so that we might have a conversation within that topic instead of making a mess out of this one Wink


Secret Society


Gaming style (PvE, PvP, RP)

Where are you from?


Type of player (casual, hardcore etc.)

What role do you plan on playing (heal/tank/dps/)

Previous MMOs?

What days, and what hours do you normally play?

Are you able to attend mumble (same av ventrilo/teamspeak)? You don't need a mic as long as you are able to hear what's being said.

Are you interested in doing raids?

Anything else you would like us to know?

Antall Innlegg : 46
Join date : 2012-10-12
Bosted : Norway

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