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Ninute's Application

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Ninute's Application Empty Ninute's Application

Post  Ninute Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:37 pm

- Ninute

Secret Society
- Templar

- Daemon

Gaming style (PvE, PvP, RP)
- PvE and PvP equally, love em both
- Maybe some RP, haven't seriously RP'd before though

Where are you from?
- United Kingdom

- 23

Type of player (casual, hardcore etc.)
- Hardcore

What role do you plan on playing (heal/tank/dps/)
- Tank first, heal second and DPS third

Previous MMOs?
- SWG for 6 years

What days, and what hours do you normally play?
- Everyday for atleast a few hours

Are you able to attend mumble (same av ventrilo/teamspeak)? You don't need a mic as long as you are able to hear what's being said.
- Yes, I'm a frequent user of Ventrilo, setting up mumble shouldn't be a problem.

Are you interested in doing raids?
- Absolutely

Anything else you would like us to know?
- I play better when I'm stoned and I'm stoned pretty much whenever I'm online.


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Ninute's Application Empty Re: Ninute's Application

Post  Leffix Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:47 pm


Antall Innlegg : 46
Join date : 2012-10-12
Bosted : Norway

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